Product number: PAAS001
Ein Backblech von Fontana Forni mit den Maßen 37 cm x 37 cm und einer Höhe von 3 cm ist ein vielseitiges Küchenutensil, das sich für verschiedene Anwendungen eignet. Hier sind einige Details und mögliche Anwendungen für dieses Backblech:
Maße: 37 cm x 37 cm x 3 cm (Länge x Breite x Höhe)
Material: Hochwertiger Stahl mit Antihaftbeschichtung
Marke: Fontana Forni, bekannt für hochwertige Küchen- und Grillzubehör
Mögliche Anwendungen
Backen von Kuchen und Gebäck: Durch die gleichmäßige Wärmeverteilung eignet sich das Blech gut zum Backen von Kuchen, Brownies und anderen Süßspeisen.
Braten von Gemüse: Die hohe Kante von 3 cm ermöglicht es, Gemüse mit Öl und Gewürzen zu mischen, ohne dass etwas herausfällt.
Zubereitung von Pizza: Die Größe ist ideal für Pizzen in mittlerer Größe.
Grillen von Fleisch und Fisch: Die hohe Kante hilft, Säfte und Marinaden aufzufangen, was besonders beim Grillen von Fleisch und Fisch von Vorteil ist.
Backen von Brot und Brötchen: Perfekt für das Backen von Brot, Baguettes und Brötchen.
Reinigung: Meist spülmaschinengeeignet, aber Handwäsche wird empfohlen, um die Antihaftbeschichtung zu schonen.
Vermeidung von Metallutensilien: Um Kratzer zu vermeiden, sollten keine Metallutensilien verwendet werden.
Tipps zur Nutzung
Vorheizen: Das Blech sollte immer im vorgeheizten Ofen verwendet werden, um gleichmäßige Backergebnisse zu erzielen.
Einfetten: Trotz Antihaftbeschichtung kann leichtes Einfetten mit Butter oder Öl helfen, ein Anhaften zu verhindern.
Abkühlen: Lassen Sie das Blech nach dem Backen etwas abkühlen, bevor Sie die Speisen herausnehmen, um ein Zerbrechen von empfindlichen Teigen zu vermeiden.
Das Fontana Forni Backblech mit den Maßen 37 cm x 37 cm und einer Höhe von 3 cm ist ein robustes und vielseitiges Küchenwerkzeug, das in keiner Küche fehlen sollte. Ob für süße oder herzhafte Gerichte, es bietet zahlreiche Einsatzmöglichkeiten und trägt zu perfekten Back- und Kochergebnissen bei.
Manufacturer "Fontana Forni"
FONTANA FORNI - a story of success
More than 70 years ago, the brothers Giuseppe, Bruno and Carlo Fontana created the desire to produce the best Italian wood stoves. Her passion for the perfect stove and her entrepreneurial spirit should not deceive her. In the heart of Marche-Italy, the land of great passions and proud of its own traditions, today already operates the third generation Fontana in the successful manufactory. The passion is unbroken. A precious legacy: the production of the best wood stoves, the dream of all gourmets.
Meanwhile, the tradition of great Italian craftsmanship pairs with the research of noble materials. For this great industrial commitment and the cultural and social responsibility, the family company Fontana was awarded the "Marchigiani of the Year 2015" award. The staff at Fontana thank the company with their tireless dedication to the best stoves in the world.
Why a FONTANA oven?
The Holzhofen with indirect combustion was discovered by Giovanni Fontana 30 years ago. His goal was to integrate the traditional fire-resistant oven in the modern kitchen and adapt it to the modern cooking behavior.
Especially important was the possibility - according to the Italian tradition - to be able to cook for several hours at the same temperature.
Cooking results:
Cooking with a wood stove brings wonderful results. The outflowing scent as well as the short cooking time and the consistently high temperature enable unique cooking experiences.
Energy efficiency:
Fontana wood stoves are unique in terms of energy consumption. Through the indirect heat distribution method, the ovens maintain a very high temperature for a very long time. The excellent material selection of the furnaces ensures low wood consumption. Traditional fire-resistant log cabins need up to five times more wood for the same performance and have a much longer firing phase. The Fontana wood ovens heat up to 300 degrees in 25-30 minutes! Gas-fired or electric ovens require energy expenditure of up to 10 times higher. Fontana is the only indirect-combustion stove that achieves wonderful cooking results. He creates the perfect conditions for cooking the original Neapolitan Pizza Verace.
Vaulted Baking Chamber:
Fontana is the only company that produces the upper part of the traditional roundish cooking cell. This solution, which is more costly in terms of production technology than the square solution, gives optimum and even heat distribution. There is no contamination in the baking chamber and less heat loss as the temperature circulates perfectly. The baking chamber is heated moderately and it creates a perfect heat distribution, which achieves up to 30% higher efficiency than the standard square shape. The fire surrounds the entire baking chamber. Thanks to the special and elaborate shape, the flames rise in the lateral channels of the furnace and develop a uniform distribution of heat at the baking chamber. This creates an unusual homogeneity of heat that stoves that only heat from below do not reach.
Double cooking:
The double ventilation system sucks and pushes the fumes, fats and aromas laterally towards the fire resistant side panels. These additional chamottes make it possible to cook several dishes (fish, vegetables, noodles) at the same time, without mixing the flavors.
High-quality materials:
The Fontana stove is the heaviest in its category. This property is especially important because the reliability and material strength at high temperatures affect the durability. The inner shape is made of 3 mm thick stainless steel and the model Gusto is equipped with solid cast iron doors. Fire resistant materials also on the sides and not just on the base: This important feature guarantees a consistently high temperature, an optimal heat distribution and a reduction of wood consumption.
Anti Discharge System:
Each oven is designed to last for many years. It is hermetically sealed to prevent the smoke from entering the cooking cell. The floor between the baking and firing chamber is lined with thick-walled, fire-resistant firebrick floors first Quality. This creates additional heat storage and slower cooling of the ovens, thus guaranteeing
Easy to clean:
The side stainless steel plates and the back plate of the baking chamber are easy to pull out and allow perfect cleaning even in the dishwasher. In addition, the special shape of the oven allows heating to 600 degrees, burning fats and pounding the oven.
Flue gas regulation:
A lockable valve allows the heat to be kept longer after the fire has ended. Especially for the preparation of bread at constant temperatures this is helpful. The stainless steel gives the chimney a long shelf life.
Always a clean appearance:
The system of doors made of individual ceramic glass parts of Fontana allows easy cleaning of the oven. They are heat resistant up to 800 degrees.
Double combustion:
The firebox of the Fontana furnace is designed to greatly reduce the emission of particulate matter into the atmosphere and to enable low wood consumption. With 3-4 kg of wood, cooking and baking for up to 4 hours is guaranteed. That makes the Fontana stove the most effective in its class.